Mission Story Archives

From the President: December 2024
A Reason for Rejoicing Dear Caring Friend, On the cover, you may have noticed the words, “A Thrill of Hope.” They’re from the Christmas hymn,

From the President: October 2024
Tackling Veteran Homelessness Dear Caring Friend, Our cover story is about J.R., a veteran who served in Vietnam and struggles with PTSD (which you can

A Thank You From the President
Homelessness Is Not a Crime Dear Caring Friend, In April, the Oklahoma Senate passed Bill 1854, which was signed into law. This law targets homeless

From the President: June 2024
Finding Their Way Home, Thanks to You Dear Caring Friend, Some individuals go through decades of pain and struggle before finally landing on their feet

From the President: December 2023
Making Sure There’s “Room in the Inn” We all know the story: Joseph and Mary arrive in Bethlehem, desperately seeking shelter so Mary can give

From the President: October 2023
When you’re struggling with something, it’s comforting to know you’re not alone. You meet someone going through the same thing — or who’s been there

From the President: August 2023
Here’s something you might not know about City Rescue Mission. Almost 200 of the individuals in our care right now are children. Their families have

From the President: June 2023
A home is more than just a roof over someone’s head. It’s a source of safety and stability. It’s a launching pad from which we

From the President: April 2023
One bad judgment. One medical emergency. One missed paycheck. That’s all it would take. Here in Oklahoma City, a growing number of neighbors live perilously

From the President: February 2023
At City Rescue Mission, we often talk about the path back to hope. Of course, that path looks a little different for each of the

From the President: December 2022
With Christmas right around the corner, I want to commend you for giving the best gift possible to vulnerable neighbors in the Oklahoma City area.

From the President: October 2022
As Thanksgiving approaches, my thoughts turn to those who will reach out to City Rescue Mission for help and hope. In many cases, they’ll be

Hearts of Hope 2020 Highlights
This years Hearts of Hope Tea was an inspiring time for all in attendance. We were blessed to hear a powerful testimony from former client

Donor Spotlight: Generosity of Heart Starts Early
A big thank you goes out to one of our youngest recent donors, Audree McGuire, who took it upon herself to use her talent and

Elevating Our Mission for the Future
In her nine years at City Rescue Mission, Erin has seen a lot of positive change – change in thousands of lives, building improvements, program

The Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Say
Tired of the bureaucracy and limitations imposed by those managing her career, a popular musician left her record label in 2012 to pursue independent music.

4 Ways to be Happier Today
Up until 2018, the most popular class in Yale’s 316-year history was “Psychology and the Law.” But which class recently eclipsed it? Happiness 101. According

From Our Interim President
God’s grace is powerfully at work this time of year, when so many of us are reminded of the importance and strength of hope. Christ

From Drugs to Donor
Nearly three years ago, Carrie began giving to City Rescue Mission. After spending time volunteering for various organizations (some focused on helping homeless men and

3 Secrets for a Fulfilling Life
Humans were created with a deep need to experience identity, mission and belonging. At our best we desire fulfilling, rich lives that leave a positive impact on our world. So, how do we live truly alive?

Hitting the Road
To better serve the homeless beyond our doors, we have been hitting the road in our outreach truck! Winter is especially rough on people experiencing

Calling Doesn’t Have to Feel Elusive
Have you ever felt frustrated or unsure of what God has called you to? It doesn’t have to feel like cracking a code!

New Education Center Now Open
With more than 300 courses to choose from, two computer labs, a lecture classroom and a library, residents can learn essential skills to assist them as they reenter the workforce.