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Thank you for giving me a place to start my recovery

Thomas City Rescue Mission Client

Thomas knows firsthand how miserable it is to be homeless, struggling to stay warm in the winter storms. His meager possessions included a sleeping bag and what few cold weather items he could afford. The wind, rain and snow are brutal in Oklahoma, and it’s amazing he was able to survive as long as he did.

“Winter weather is the most difficult thing,” Thomas says. “I’d been out there in the cold for a while.”

So when last winter rolled around, Thomas knew he needed help to make a change. He’d heard City Rescue Mission was a helpful place for people wanting a fresh start, and he came here straight away.

He was welcomed by loving staff and received a warm bed and hot meals — things that might seem small but make a world of difference for people like Thomas.

Now, Thomas has gone through our recovery program and is working in our kitchen while he looks for a full-time job and permanent housing.

Thomas looks forward to living independently with a roof over his head and is grateful to Mission donors like you for the second chance at life he has received.

“I want to be going to work, and get my own place to live,” he says. “Thank you for giving me a place to start my recovery.”

Your gifts to the Mission help give desperate individuals like Thomas hope and a chance at a new life. Thank you.

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