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I thank God that City Rescue Mission gave me a chance

Shane City Rescue Mission Client
Shane’s Story

“The Mission was a godsend”

Shane’s life changed in an instant. He was homeless, struggling with drug abuse. He’d spent a year living out of his car, never knowing where his next meal would come from.

When a man came to repossess Shane’s car, Shane thought his life was that much closer to being over. He knew the horrors of living on the street, and how difficult it would be for him to ever get clean there. But by the grace of God, the compassion of the repo man and supporters like you, Shane experienced a miracle that night. Instead of being left with nothing, Shane got a ride to City Rescue Mission.

“I was always wanting and needing to get sober,” Shane says. “The Mission was a godsend.”

Shane began his journey of sobriety and settled into a new routine here at the Mission. Life skills classes, Bible study and work-therapy combined gave Shane the foundation he needed to build a new life.

“I thank God that City Rescue Mission gave me a chance,” he says. “That’s something that I’ve never had before. Thank you for giving me this opportunity! God bless you.”

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