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From the President: February 2023

At City Rescue Mission, we often talk about the path back to hope. Of course, that path looks a little different for each of the men, women and families in our care. It can be a steady uphill climb, or a long and winding odyssey full of stops and starts. That’s been the case for Theresa, whose story you can read by clicking here.

No two journeys to healing and recovery look exactly alike, but here’s what really counts: The path back to hope starts with you.

Your generosity provides meals, shelter and compassionate care. Beyond those basics, you support our Bridge to Life housing and recovery programs. In this environment of security, stability and dignity, the individuals in our care thrive. Many go on to regain self-sufficiency. That’s a beautiful thing to witness!

This winter and all year long, thank you for your faithful support of City Rescue Mission. Together, we’ll continue to transform lives for the better. Thank you, and may God bless you,

Thank you, and may God bless you,

Erin Goodin,
President & CEO

Read February 2023 newsletter

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