From the President:
August 2023 • Mission Stories

Here’s something you might not know about City Rescue Mission. Almost 200 of the individuals in our care right now are children. Their families have dealt with all manner of hardship — from job loss to eviction, mental health challenges and domestic abuse.
But I don’t despair for those 200 children. Instead, I pray for their resiliency. And I know that they’re exactly where God needs them to be in this moment. Through your kindness and generosity, they’re in a safe, peaceful environment. They’ve got a stable foundation from which their parents can rebuild.
This month, many of the kids at the Mission will be going back to school. And caring friends like you will equip them with the supplies they need to succeed in the classroom. I can’t tell you how gratifying it is to see cycles of homelessness and poverty breaking in real time. That’s the power of your impact!
Thank you, and may God bless you,
Erin Goodin,
President & CEO