Laura’s Story
December 2024 • Client Stories
Thank you for welcoming me with open arms

I Wouldn’t Be Here Without You
I’ll never forget the day I came to City Rescue Mission. I’d been living without a home, sleeping in abandoned buildings. I didn’t know how to stop using meth, even though I was in and out of the hospital with asthma and COPD. My whole life felt like an emergency.
I knew this might be my last chance to reach out for help. I decided to listen to what God had been telling me. It was time to go to the Mission. Still, I felt so nervous. I wanted an excuse to leave. After signing in, I told the woman at the front desk I’d run to the store and be right back.
“Stay,” she told me. “You’re part of this family now.”
I can’t tell you how much those words meant. The structure of this place, along with that feeling of family, is as important to me as the meals in my stomach and the roof over my head.
Soon I’ll have a place of my own. I’ll be back on my feet. My life isn’t an emergency anymore. I have peace, and I’m moving in the right direction. City Rescue Mission gave me the tools to get this far. I can’t wait to come back and volunteer.
Thank you for welcoming me with open arms. I can say with certainty that I wouldn’t be here without you.