Donate Items
From clothing to shoes to small accessories, your donations make a difference.
Bring Your Donations To:
City Rescue Mission -
Donation Resource Center
831 W. California
Oklahoma City, OK 73106
Tuesday - Friday
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
(405) 232-2709
Back-To-School Donation Needs
- Glue Sticks
- Pocket folders – with prongs and without prongs
- Scissors – blunt and sharp
- #2 pencils
- Ink pens
- Plastic pencil boxes and pencil bags
- Dry erase markers
- Spiral notebooks
- Composition notebooks
- Colored pencils
- Wide ruled notebook paper
- Yellow highlighters
Current Donation Needs
- Men’s and Women’s warm weather clothing, sizes 2X, 3X, 4X, 5X+
- Toddler clothing 2T, 3T, 4T, 5T
- Men’s underwear – all sizes, all styles
- Women’s underwear – all sizes especially sizes 5-10
- Children’s underwear – all sizes
- Girls training bras
- Women’s bras – all sizes
- Shampoo
- Body wash
- Conditioner
- Deodorant
- Shaving cream
- Razors
Ongoing Donation Needs
- Men’s socks
- Women’s socks
- Baby wipes
- Bottles/nipples
- Formula
- Adult diapers (all sizes)
- Feminine hygiene products
- Any food items
Note: For the safety of our clients, please make sure that all food and personal hygiene items are new and unopened.
Since City Rescue Mission is a nonprofit organization, we operate heavily on donations from our supporters and the community at large. All gift in-kind donations are tax deductible, and donations are supplied with a donations receipt at the time of donation.
Personal Hygiene Items
Since City Rescue Mission is committed to providing for individual’s most basic needs, some of the items needed include:
- Towels
- Washcloths
- Linens
- Disposable Razors
- Antiperspirant
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrushes
- Bath Soap and Shower Gel
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Diapers
- Feminine Products
City Rescue Mission serves three meals a day, every single day. Help us continue to stand in the gap for those in need! Donation items include:
- Meat products
- Eggs
- Bread
- Sugar
- Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
- Butter/Margarine
- Baby Food
- Children’s Snacks
- Bottled Water and Gatorade
Many of our clients come from unpredictable and chaotic situations and it’s difficult to know what items they may most desperately need. Providing clothing is a tangible way for our supporters to show that they care. Items commonly needed include:
- Jeans (men, women and children – all sizes)
- Jackets (men, women and children – all sizes)
- Men’s Work Boots
- Men’s underwear
- Men’s pants (sizes 28, 30, 32, 34, 42 and up)
- Men’s sneakers
- Tennis Shoes (men, women and children – all sizes)
- T Shirts & Dress Shirts (men, women and children – all sizes)
- Men’s Dress Slacks (all sizes)
- Women’s Dresses & Skirts (all sizes)
- Socks
- Underwear
School Supplies
Since City Rescue Mission serves men, women, and families, we have an average of 50-60 children living in our facility at any given time. Help our kids go to school ready, prepared, and fully equipped to achieve success! Typical items needed include:
- Gift Cards (Walmart or Target)
- Backpacks
- Pencil Boxes/Bags
- Kleenex
- Pencils
- Pencil Sharpeners
- Mechanical Pencils
- Ink Pens (blue/black)
- Colored Pencils
- Crayons
- Markers
- Highlighters
- Rulers
- Notebook Paper (wide ruled & college ruled)
- Spiral Notebooks (wide ruled & college ruled)
- 3 Ring Binders
- Binder Dividers
- Folders
- Erasers
- Scissors
- Scientific Calculators
- Glue Sticks
- Glue