From the President:
December 2023 • Mission Stories

Making Sure There’s “Room in the Inn”
We all know the story: Joseph and Mary arrive in Bethlehem, desperately seeking shelter so Mary can give birth to the baby Jesus. But time and again, they were turned away, because “there was no room for them in the inn.”
Those “innkeepers” must have felt terrible about it. Hospitality was a hallmark of their culture; welcoming strangers was in their DNA. And they had no way of knowing that these travelers were about to bring the Messiah into the world.
We feel the same way at City Rescue Mission. We never want to turn anyone away. But sometimes, we’re at 100 percent capacity, and there’s just “no room in the inn.” And that breaks my heart, because we believe those who knock at our door are the face of Jesus
(Matthew 25:34-40).
Your support will help make it possible to ensure there’s always room at our “inn” — not just at Christmas, but all year round. Thank you!.
Thank you, and may God bless you,
Erin Goodin,
President & CEO