A Reason for Rejoicing
Dear Caring Friend,
On the cover, you may have noticed the words, “A Thrill of Hope.” They’re from the Christmas hymn, “O Holy Night,” which proclaims the good news of the birth of Jesus, including this line:
“A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices.”
Those words are just as relevant today as when they were written. And they apply to every individual who walks through our doors — often weary, worn down by life’s hardships. They’re in search of hope.
That’s what City Rescue Mission is all about: providing hope for neighbors in need. And when they find it, they rejoice. Just ask Sharda and Michael, two of the 52 families under our roof this holiday season. Their stories are featured on these pages.
My hope and prayer for you and your loved ones this Christmas is that you also discover the thrill of hope and have reason to rejoice.
God bless you,

Erin Goodin,
President & CEO